Sunday, March 11, 2012

Thinking like a butterfly

last week I heared the writer Mark Nepo on the radio-podcast
,very intrigued I searched more and found on his blog this poem ,

Thinking Like a Butterfly

February 28th, 2012 by Mark Nepo

Monday I was told I was good.
I felt relieved.
Tuesday I was ignored.
I felt invisible.
Wednesday I was snapped at.
I began to doubt myself.
On Thursday I was rejected.
Now I was afraid.
On Saturday I was thanked
for being me. My soul relaxed.
On Sunday I was left alone
till the part of me that can’t
be influenced grew tired of
submitting and resisting.
Monday I was told I was good.
By Tuesday I got off the wheel.

1 comment:

flowtops said...

I discovered your work via an acquaintance here in the Netherlands - just WOW!

Your felt creations make me want to drop all poems, paintings and other creative work and go felt 24/7...

Gonna add your blog to my list - really nice to see others mix poetry in with the creative flow as well.
